Master’s in Geography

The Master’s in Geography (MG) aims to provide advanced training in three areas of specialization of the greatest relevance within the scientific area of Geography: – Tourism and Territorial Communication; – Geographic Information Systems; – Risks and Civil Protection

The area of specialisation in Tourism and Territorial Communication focuses on the major challenges arising from the strong growth of tourism, both to land management and the communication dynamics of territories. Tourism is highly valued in affirmation strategies of territories from the local to the global scale, so this area of specialisation aims to deepen the understanding of the means and ways of strengthening the capacity to attract tourists; to examine the socioeconomic, cultural and environmental impacts of changes triggered by the tourism activity; and, to evaluate its multiple implications with regard to sustainability, land-use planning and management.

The area of specialisation in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) responds to the challenges of digitalization in society, which increasingly drives scientific research based on GIS and remote sensing, also creating a growing need for skills in these fields in a professional context. Thus, this area of specialisation seeks to deepen scientific and technical knowledge regarding the creation, integrated analysis and modeling of spatial information on social and environmental changes; scenario analysis, at different scales; and, the development of innovative proposals for an intelligent, green and inclusive territory.
Risks and Civil Protection develops around critical approaches and means to the necessary changes in the socio-economic, cultural, behavioral, and institutional realms in order to promote a more resilient society and territory. This design is all the more important the more severe the effects of extreme events have been manifesting, the frequency and magnitude of which are expected to increase in the context of climate change. Therefore, this area of specialisation aims to deepen the understanding of impacts of extreme events in the social, economic, and environmental dimensions with implications in spatial organization; of natural resources and systems valuation through a sustainable management; and, of minimization of vulnerabilities and risks, considering a change in society and environment relations.

The MG aims to deepen the knowledge acquired in degrees of the area of Geography (or related), as well as to provide an academic and professional specialisation based on an interdisciplinary and flexible training, with the integration of Curricular Units (CU) of several scientific areas in its study plan (Communication Sciences, History, Sociology, Economics, Informatics, Civil Engineering Sciences, Law). It aims to provide students with the appropriate theoretical and methodological references for the development of scientific research, particularly with an application to land-use planning and management; to promote students’ autonomy in order to extend their scientific research competences, especially with regard to critical reflection and innovation capacities; and, to establish a closer contact with work environments.


Tourism and Territorial Communication

Geographic Information Systems

Risks and Civil Protection

Universidade do Minho
Campus de Azurém

2 Years / 4 Semesters

Prof. Doutor Francisco Costa

More information:
253 510 560


Daytime (9h-20h) &
Afterwork (20h-22h)


Minimum inscription: 12
Minimum inscription to open a specialization area: 5


Click here and consult the ‘Study Plan’ section, for detailed information on the program content of each Curricular Unit.