PhD in Geography

The Doctorate/PhD in Geography (DG) of UMinho responds to the current demand, transversal to several countries, of an advanced training in the scientific area of Geography. Its general objective is to provide the conditions necessary for the development of original research, likely to be distinguished as an important contribution for the conceptual and methodological advances in the geographic science, and in the wider sphere of Social Sciences. This research is produced in the speciality areas of: Human Geography; Physical Geography and Environmental Studies; Geography and Regional Planning; and Landscape Studies.

The PhD in Geography stimulates and supports the ability of students for autonomous research in specialized fields of the geographic knowledge, in order for them to achieve the necessary skills deepening to: reflect critically about the state of the art in Geography, regarding a specific research subject; use conceptual and methodological frameworks that contribute to the strengthening of the interdisciplinary dimension of Geography, applying them in an original and relevant research; produce innovative and renewed empirical knowledge; hypothesize, analyse and interpret social, economic, cultural, environmental, political, and scientific and technological problems, as well as those related to planning, land management, and regional and local development; concur to the conceptual, methodological and technical advances of the geographic science; and, critically contribute to the analysis and discussion of themes and questions concerning the domain of Geography, in both academic and professional contexts.

As this is a PhD study programme, all CU favor independent work methodologies, by encouraging autonomous research and analysis, as well as the application of acquired theoretical, methodological and technical knowledge. Critical reviews and/or scientific articles, likely to be published, are developed in the context of the biannual CU (Compulsory Attendance).
All teaching methodologies promote the participation of students in scientific activities. Moreover, some theses are developed within the scope of the supervisors’ research projects. Doctoral students have also the opportunity to present and discuss their thesis’ research work in events organized for this purpose by DGEO, namely Doctoral Meetings/Workshops and the Research in Geography Symposium: Portugal/Brazil.


Physical Geography and Environmental Studies (Tutorial Programme)

Human Geography (Tutorial Programme)

Geography and Regional Planning (Tutorial Programme)

Landscape Studies (Compulsory Attendance – not open to applications in 2022/23)

Universidade do Minho
Campus de Azurém

3 Years / 6 Semesters

Prof. Doutor Flávio Nunes

More information:
253 510 560

Specialization branches exclusively in tutorial progreammes are directed towards the thesis development, with the respective supervision by one of the lecturers of the Department of Geography (DGEO) of UMinho.

The specialization branch in Landscape Studies is not currently open for applications.